Monday, March 1, 2010

Rick the Hippo?

The Austin American Statesmen article “Is Governor Rick Perry a hypocrite?” written by State Representative Jim Dunnam argues Perry is more concerned with his political career than what will help Texas. Democratic State Representative Jim Dunnam represents Waco area and also is chairman of the House Select Committee on Federal Economic Stabilization Funding.
This article is intended for all Texas voters. Dunnam’s argument is not partisan. Rather Dunnam describes Perry acting against party politics in secret. Dunnam gives several examples of Rick Perry publicly protesting the use of federal funds but accepting (over the next two years) $65 billion in federal money.
Dunnam claims Perry utilizes the “old Big Lie technique” constantly shouting he’s against Washington and big spending while living on the state’s tab. Dunnam argues that Perry’s denying of the Federal Stimulus unemployment funds and the “Race to the Top” Public Education funds, works against small businesses, the unemployed, and students. In sum the state budget has increased by $80 billion since Perry was governor.
I believe this is substantial information that must be considered. On the other hand, when reading commentary articles we must be careful. Someone for some reason is trying to sell us a certain point of view. Many of the facts given in this article seemed to be skewed. For example, I would have to do more research in order to know if 65 billion was actually a large amount of federal funding for a two-year period. In addition, it was hard, as a reader, to take great confidence in Dunnam’s word because his tone was negative and spiteful.

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